The story of TheMagicShower’s creation:
“I wasn’t going to let her die…”
Meet Lucy.
The world couldn’t make a sweeter, friendlier and gentler 2-year-old Labrador than Lucy. Unfortunately, Lucy was dying. Lucy was my sister’s dog. She had a serious condition affecting her skin, She was covered head to toe in blisters, boils, and cuts, and was so low on energy she didn’t even want to play outside. Doctors did everything they could but if this condition didn’t improve, she was not going to survive. I wasn’t going to let her die…
I took her into my home and dedicated my time to her care. We got better control of her diet and environment but, at a loss of what else to do but hope I decided to start bathing her more often. Unfortunately, the regular baths were still scary and painful. I knew I had to find a better way. Then it hit me – what scares dogs so much in the bath, but not rivers, lakes and streams? The answer was the noise, mist, splashing and high-pressure water, and I knew I could fix that.
I used my my engineering skills, some inspiration from my college days and another invention called the OILUDDERTM to come up it a better, more gentle way that had the power when need but was designed to be gentle. TheMagicShower was born – a patent pending product that reduces stress and improves the bathing experience for dogs everywhere. In just 6 months, Lucy went from suffering to soaking up the stress-free pawsome relaxation! The blisters, boils and fear was gone.
As it turns out, Lucy was suffering from both extreme food allergies, but also sever contact/environmental allergies. Diet control and regular baths are a must for her. Even if its just a quick rinse. I knew then this could help other pets in need and set out to make it available for all pets. That journey continues and, but I hope one day, Lucy’s toughness, resilience and come back will help other owners and animals in need.
“Eddie NO! ugh! You’re covered in mud again!…”
Meet Eddie.
A Soon to be 6-year-old ball of energy and noise (you Doxy owners understand!). Eddie played a critical role in why TheMagicShower came to be. Eddie, famous in the neighborhood as “that adorable Dirty Weiner” is the most lovable dapple dachshund you will ever meet. He loves to roll in the mud, jump in puddles, and bring the mess under the covers my bed when he sneaks by with a dirt covered belly. Hardly a day passes where the words “Eddie NO! Ugh! You’re covered in mud again!” doesn’t come out of my mouth.
Eddie is always full of energy and loves to create mischief. Mostly digging up the yard and chasing critters out of his territory. Eddie loves his leash free walks where he gets to explore the world around him. He is always curious and seeking out new adventures, often much to my concern. After a long day protecting the house, Eddie loves to snuggle up under the covers, bringing the days mess with him. He always brings a smile, and muddy feet to everyone he meets. Eddie is the life of the party and will always be there to make sure everyone is having a good time.
It is because of Eddies fondness for adventure and curiosity explore that helped bring TheMagicShower to life. As a little guy, shower time was scary, and I had to do something to change that, or I would sleep in dirt the rest of our time together. Then it all clicked into place. Lucy needs to be washed a lot, Eddie jumped in a puddle and is a mess, for the 3rd time this week…. TheMagicShower had to become a reality.
Pricing Plans
Dog Walking
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Group Walk (Max 4 Dogs)
USD $ 25/hr
Solo Walk
USD $ 20/hr
Pet Sitting
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Dog Sitting / Cat Sitting
USD $ 20/hr
Pet Pop Ins
USD $ 15/hr
Wish to Take a Trial?
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Case Study:
Rocky Likes to Play on Greens
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Rem ridi culus pharetra eligendi labore nulla explicabo sem! Modi ipsa, dolores cupiditate elementum molestias dis animi, consequ untur pulvinar, fringilla ducimus facilisis habitant, irure erure? Fringilla metus nulla expli cabo sem!
Rem ridi culus pharetra eligendi labore nulla explicabo sem! Modi ipsa, dolores cupiditate elementum molestias dis animi, consequ untur pulvinar, fringilla ducimus facilisis habitant, irure erure? Fringilla metus nulla expli cabo sem!
Rem ridi culus pharetra eligendi labore nulla explicabo sem! Modi ipsa, dolores cupiditate elementum molestias dis animi, consequ untur pulvinar, fringilla ducimus facilisis habitant, irure erure? Fringilla metus nulla expli cabo sem!
Rem ridi culus pharetra eligendi labore nulla explicabo sem! Modi ipsa, dolores cupiditate elementum molestias dis animi, consequ untur pulvinar, fringilla ducimus facilisis habitant, irure erure? Fringilla metus nulla expli cabo sem!